1 Nama Dr. dr. Putu Ayu Asri Damayanti, S. Ked., M.Kes.
2 NIP 197807062003122002
3 NIDN 0006077804
4 Tempat dan Tanggal lahir Denpasar, 06 Juli !978
5 Alamat Jl. Pulau Misol Gang IX No. 1 Denpasar
6 Telp./Fax./HP No. 0361248126/6282237396899
7 Kantor Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

Jl. PB. Sudirman Denpasar

8 Telp. No. 0361-222510
9 E-mail or
10 Subyek 1.        General Parasitology
2.        Medical Protozoology
3.        Entomology (diptera)



DEGREE S1 Magister Doctor
1 Nama Universitas Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia
2 Bidang studi Kedokteran Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar, Parasitologi Ilmu Kedokteran Biomedik
3 Tahun Masuk 1996 2006 2014
4 Tahun Lulus 2002 2008 2017



Pelatihan Institusi Tahun
Medical Mycology training Indonesian Mycology Associates Denpasar, 2016
Laboratory Methods in Intestine Parasite Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, 2015
Molecular Biology Course Universitas Udayana Denpasar, 2015
Intestine Parasite Microscopic diagnosis Universitas Padjajaran Bandung, 2015
Virology and Biosafety Eijkman Institute Denpasar, 2013
Biosafety Principles and Practices Universitas Udayana Denpasar, 2014
Scientific Publication Universitas Udayana Denpasar, 2013



No Tahun Research Title
1 2017 Filogenetik Isolat Flavivirus dari Nyamuk Litbang FK Unud
2 2016 Isolasi danIdentifikasi Mosquito Flavivirus dar nyamuk Culex spp. di bali Ristek dikti
3 2015 Japanese Encephalitis Virus Detection in Mosquito  in Negara Regency, Bali Litbang FK Unud
4 2015 Japanese Encephalitis Virus Seroprevalence in Pig and the Presence of Mosquito in Piggery , Negara Bali Personal
5 2014 Differences Cryptosporidiosis at different levels of CD4 HIV Patients at Sanglah Hospital Litbang FK Unud
6 2012 Resistance and Non-Specific Esterase Activity (ELISA method) in Aedes aegypti larvae from Badung and Denpasar to Abate® Insecticides (Temefos) Personal
7 2011 Differences of Aedes aegypti Mosquito Resistance to Pyrethroid (Permethrin) through Bioassay Test and Nonspecific Esterase Activity Evaluation Between Denpasar City and Badung Regency Hibah Dosen Muda



No Tahun Judul
1 2015 Pemeriksaan dan pengobatan soil transmitted heminthiasis  di sekolah dasar Desa Antiga Udayana Mengabdi
2 2014 Pemeriksaan dan pengobatan soil transmitted heminthiasis Batu Belig Kubu Village, karangasem Udayana mengabdi
3 2014 Penyuluhan Toxoplasmosis pada siswa SMA 1 Singaraja Udayana Mengabdi
3 2014 Penyuluhan Toxoplasmosis pada siswa SMA 1 Tegalalang students Udayana Mengabdi



No Tahun Judul Jurnal
1 2017 Incidence of Japanese Encephalitis among Children is associated with the Presence of Pigs in Bali, Indonesia Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, Vol 10 (3), 2017
2 2017 Taeniasis caused by Taenia saginata in Gianyar town and Taenia solium in Karangasem villages of Bali, Indonesia, 2011 2016 How to detect tapeworm carriers, anamnesis or microscopy Acta Tropica, Vol.174, 2017
3 2016 Seroepidemiological evidence for the presence of Japanese encephalitis virus infection in ducks, chickens, and  pigs, Bali-Indonesia Bali Medical Journal, 5(3) 2016
4 2016 The Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) in Elementary School Students at Antiga Kelod Village, Karangaem Regency, Bali, Indonesia 7th Asean Congress of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Malang 2016
5 2009 Uji Resistensi Malathion pada Nyamuk Aedes aegypti asal Denpasar Barat dan LPT Unair Surabaya Medicina Vol.40 No.3, September 2009



No. Scientific meeting/seminar Judul Waktu
1 International Conference on Biosciences and Biotechnology, 2016 Cytopatho Effect on Inoculated C6-36 sell line with Culex sp. Mosquitoes from Badung Denpasar, 2016
2 Seminar nasional dan teknologi (Senastek) Universitas Udayana Filogenetik Isolat Flavivirus dari nyamuk di Bali Denpasar, 2016
3 Bandung International Scientific Meeting on Parasitology & Tropical disease, 2105 Japanese Encephalitis Virus Seroprevalence in Pig and the Presence of Mosquito in Piggery , Negara Bali 1-2 Mei 2015, Bandung


4 Joint International conference APCHI, 2014 The resistance difference of Aedes aegypti to Pyrethroid between Denpasar and Badung Regency 22-25 Oktober 2014, Bali
5 22nd InternationalWorkshop, Symposium, and seminar on Physiology Soil transmited helminthiasis among garden plant workers in Petiga, Tabanan 19-21 september 2013, Jakarta
6 2nd International Conference and Workshop From moleculer to clinical aspect ‘”The threat of new and re-emerging Disease”  The Resistance Difference of Aedes aegypti to α-permethrin (pyrethroid) through Bioassay Test and Nonspecific Esterase Activity Assessment Between Denpasar and Badung regency Malng, 23-25 Juni 2011

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